7 ways to write a killer sales copy for your online courses

Creating a killer sales copy for your online courses

An awesome course doesn’t warrant the fact that people will jump into buying the course the moment they see it. You need to create a killer sales copy to reel in customers. Because creating a good product is one thing, but being able to sell it is quite the other. You have to put a lot into writing a sales copy so that it convinces your prospects to buy your course. Creating such a copy takes a lot of research and a good understanding of what you are offering and to whom. Moreover, you will also need a well-laid plan. If you don’t already have it, you can follow these steps to make a great sales copy.

Killer sales copy writing tips

Begin with your strongest benefit

In the marketing world, features tell but benefits sell. So you need to show your buyers what benefits they would get after purchasing your course. Focus on the benefits of your course in great detail. Highlight how your course improves their lives. It doesn’t mean that you should avoid the features. They have to be on the copy too. But it’s the benefits that would seal the deal for you.

Stretch on the most important benefit

Make sure that the main benefit of your course gets the limelight in your copy. Make it hard to ignore. Describe the actual positive impact it will have on their lives. It’s just like planting a seed in their minds.

Clearly and elaborately explain what they are going to get

After the plantation, it’s now time for watering the seeds. And here’s the space where you can fill in your awesome features. Try to paint an image of your course in their minds. Try to let them realize how helpful it would be for their lives and careers. But don’t cross the limits.

Proof, proof, proof

Up to now, your readers have given you their time and attention. But they are having a bit of a hard time to believe in you. Because 21st century consumers are extra-careful. They don’t put their trust in a course only by pep talks. So you need to show them some credibility factors. These could be anything from facts, stats, awards, and citations to testimonials. Just show them that someone else like them has trusted you and your course has helped them in return.

Tell them what they’ll lose if they don’t act

People are far more interested in avoiding pain that they are in acquiring pleasure. People are constantly striving to avoid suffering and prevent discomfort. Bob Stone knew that all too well. That’s why he had included this tep to write a killer sales copy. So throw in a little negativity to your copy.

Sum up the benefits

When you have shown your readers how they will lose if they don’t act, you have taken them to the dark world. Now it’s time to bring them back to sunshine. Recap all the fantastic benefits that you have stated earlier and send a soft reminder why they should pull the trigger. This is your best chance to hook them to your offers.

Call to action

Once your readers are hooked, reel them in with a call to action. And don’t be vague in it. Because this is the sole reason why you have started writing this copy in the first place. So clearly direct your readers to the action you want them to take. Having a bold CTA is going to give you a killer sales copy.

Wrapping Up

A sales copy is inarguably the most important thing to be in your marketing arsenal. And the more you can understand your target audience, the better sales copy you can create. So put a lot of efforts in understanding your audience completely and then follow these steps to write the killer sales copy for your online courses.

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