Email marketing strategy for online courses

Email marketing strategy for online courses

Follow these 9 email marketing strategy for online courses to increase your chance of sales.

The eLearning industry is very competitive. To penetrate this market, you need to develop effective courses and send the news to the right people. And this is where the task gets complicated. People these days are flooded with various notifications all the time. Of all those notifications, most are ignored. Moreover, people have a despair against marketing gimmicks. So how and through which channel could you reach your intended audience? The answer could be email marketing.

According to many marketers, email marketing has gone outdated. Because marketing emails get flagged as Spam and remain unnoticed for eternity. But they also agree that email marketing is still the most cost-effective way of reaching people. So what should be done? Should you go for email marketing or not? We say, you should.

You see, there is a thin line between a marketing email and a spam email. You need to identify that line and take yourself above that line in order to succeed. We will show you a couple of strategies that you can follow to send emails to your audience without getting flagged as spam.

Successful email marketing strategy for online courses

Add value

Self-centered emails don’t work these days. Sending emails with only your sales gimmicks or marketing cliches will hurt your expensive prospect list massively. So skip the one-off promotions and nurture your prospects for long-term if you want to be successful. Do some research on what they need and deliver them accordingly.

Human connection

Write your emails in a humane voice. What we are trying to imply here is that you shouldn’t write to guide them with your marketing pitch all the time. Rather, make a personal connection with them through your emails. Your emails should be organic, not robotic.

Subject line

Your subject line is the pass for you to enter into their attention zone. Thus, you need to put a considerable amount of focus on your subject line. Too much catchy phrases will be ignored. On the other hand, too much straightforward headlines will wave off their interest. So spend time to think upon what will work best for you. One strategy could be to use mysterious headlines because humans have an instinct to find out answers to mysteries.

Keep it simple

There has been an ongoing surge that emails should be graphic-intense. Today’s email templates contain large buttons, huge logos and images, too many colors and all. These are distractions which prevent people from getting the message you want to deliver. So avoid using these elements. Keep it text-focused. Sure, you could use visuals to an extent but don’t overdo things.

List segmentation

If you are sending the same email to all the members on your list, you are making a big mistake. Because all of them are not on equal stages. For example, some of them may have purchased your product, some may haven’t. And some may have bought your product but haven’t responded ever since. Reaching to these different audiences with one single email won’t serve your purpose. So segment your list and write emails according to their specific needs.

Forwarded emails

Forwarded emails have a higher click-through-rate than original emails. They appear to be as important. If you forward emails containing relevant information, your readers will truly appreciate it.

Email stuffing

Nobody wants to open their inbox and find 8 marketing emails from you every day. They will hate it even if they are interested in your online course. So don’t bombard your email list with too many emails and repetitive promotions. You have to stay fresh in their minds for the right reasons. Don’t bother them so much with your emails and push them to the point where they unsubscribe you, block you, and/or tell others about how your emails disgust them.

Call to action

Adding value is a must, but you can’t survive without selling. So add a call to action button at the end of your emails so that they take the desired action and you get benefited in turn. But don’t be too pushy about your CTA. Don’t over-promise. Just tell them clearly how they will be benefited if they perform the action.

Follow up

Another email marketing strategy for online courses is follow up. You would want to know the whereabouts of your already sent emails. You’d want to know if it had any impact on them. To know that you need to send follow up emails.

Wrapping Up

For a long-term business success, you need to send emails that add value to your subscriber list. Forget about selling your course. Share ideas, tips, and advice that they can use in real life. Help them genuinely but keep a professional tone so that they know you want business from them. Don’t be just a friend. Don’t be just a marketer either. Be a bit of both to get the best result.

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